To provide opportunities and facilities to education thirsty and seekers of knowledge the Alhikmah Foundation, since its inception established a library with a reading room facility under a caption name of Alhikmah Education Point.
Starting with a meager number of 15 regular readership, the membership has now reached to a staggering figure of around 400 plus readership which annually cross to around 5000 figure.
Out of these members about 60 percent of them consist of school going students from 8th to 12th standard of different schools. The rest, regular members belong to college going students pursuing the studies in engineering and professional courses as well as those preparing for different competitive exams. Even the research scholars engaged in research work numbering around 10 are also a regular visitor of the library and avail the facilities available both in terms of a large number of books on different subjects and a variety of news papers, magazines and journals as well as a quite and peaceful reading atmosphere of its well furnished reading room facility, A handful of general readers of different interests also visit the library regularly.
The reading room facilities attached with the library is a boon for different categories of students coming from far off areas of UP, Bihar and other parts of country for pursuing higher studies, living in a dingy room of rented houses having no peaceful reading atmosphere. They avail this reading room facility of the library, come with books of their courses of study supplemented with the books, magazines etc. available in the library and enjoy reading in a peaceful and congenial atmosphere.
The library and reading room facility are availed of by the students residing in various colonies of Jamia Nagar, Taimur Nagar, Maharani Bagh and neighboring areas.
Presently the library has a stock of more than 4 thousand books on different subjects.
Initially the library was started with active and financial supports of the member of the Foundation in the form of membership fee and special donations for the purpose and meeting its monthly expenditure of around Rs. 10,000 to 15,000.
However for the last 2 years the Government of NCT of Delhi has recognized it as Public Library and has been granting a sum of Rupee 40,000 per year to meet the expenditure on books and magazines etc.
The library is still running in a private rented building at Jogabai, Zakir Nagar, New Delhi.
Coaching B. Ed., Basic, ETEFor the last more than 10 years the Foundation at its Education Point haslib20153l
also been organizing Coaching for the candidates appearing in the entrance examination of B. Ed., Basic and ETE. Around 60 to 70 students desirous to appear in the entrance test of B. Ed., Basic and ETE get themselves admitted in the Coaching Classes for a period of 3
months duration. Around 60 percent candidates attending the Coaching Classes get admission in Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi University, Indraprastha University and AMU either in B. Ed. or ETE.
More than 70 percent of students admitted in the Coaching Classes belong to Girl students. The students belonging to unprivileged group of society are given preference in admission in the Coaching Centre.
Our progress
English Coaching
The Foundation also organizes, as and when required English Language Coaching Classes for the students desirous of improving their English Communication skills. The purpose of this Coaching Classes is to improve the standard of English Language among the participants both in understanding and communication of English. This being the need of the day a large number of students show their interest in these Coaching Classes.
The Foundation is also proposing to start Remedial Coaching Classes for the students in different subjects and also for school drop outs.
Besides all these regular educational development programme, the Foundation has also been organizing at regular interval seminars, symposiums and lectures etc. on various important topics of educational and social interests wherein a large number of persons belonging to different social groups attend the programmes and are benefited from the tips of different eminent scholars.