1. The book, "Responsible Societal Development", is a collection of articles from scholars and intellectuals from different walks of life. The purpose of the book is to introduce to people the duties of a citizen in the development of society through the development of self. A society is a collection of individuals living together and for society to develop, the individual has to take responsibility for at least developing himself on the basic parameters of health, education, finance, moral values, and social responsibility.This book serves the purpose of giving an individual a roadmap for delivering the duty of personal development and cooperation as a key element for 'societal development'.

A book on “Knowledge” based on Holy Qur’an was compiled by Alhikmah Foundation and was released in 2006. The work on the second part of the same comprising the sayings of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) about Education & Knowledge is being revised and will be published soon.

The Foundation always strive to promote and maintain peace in the society and in this regard make all efforts to sustain it. Keeping in view the importance of peace in the society, the Foundation compiled a booklet on peace “Peace: Quranic Concepts and Prophetic Teachings”. In this booklet some Quranic Verses related to peace were selected from Holy Quran and some sayings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The English translation of the verses and sayings has also been provided for its larger benefit.

A book titled “Quran ka Paigham-e-aman” was compiled by Alhikmah Foundation and was released on the 21st Annual Function on 18th December 2011. The book is a compilation of translations of Quranic Verses in six chapters. In the first two chapters, discussions on the concept of peace are explained. The third one defines the importance of peace according to Quran & methods for achieving it is the subject matter of Fourth chapter. While chapter Five gives the knowledge of hurdles in the path of peace. We can make every possible effort to create a peaceful society with the cooperation of the sermons from the Quran in chapter six. The books beauty is its bilingual nature which invites both Muslims & Hindus towards itself.

This book is an effort that will help in removing misunderstanding found about Islam. Any person’s assertion that Islam’s attitude towards peace is antagonistic totally lacks any evidence and is wrong. In this connection, it is hoped that with reference to the Qur’an this book will explicate the consideration given to peace in Islam and will remove misunderstandings. On this activity of the authorities of Alhikmah Foundation, we express our sense of deep appreciation for preparing a useful book that is being presented in different languages.

This book is a Hindi Version of the book titled “Peace: Quranic Teachings”. This book is translated in three languages so that the message of Peace from the holy book Quran can reach to major sections of the society.

This book offers its readers a collection of what reputed scholars and social activists had to say at its seven seminars on a variety of subjects. The collection is indeed a multum in pravo encompassing multifarious dimensions of peace, harmony and development. I am sure it will evince interest, generate further thoughts, and stimulate determinations to make our world more humane.

The book “Materialism: Boon or Bane” edited by Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Nadwi, Chairman, Alhikmah Foundation, addresses very important topic of Materialism. It is a collection of seventeen English papers sent for the National Seminar on ‘Materialism: Boon or Bane’ organized by Alhikmah Foundation on the occasion of its 23rd Annual Function held on 2nd of March 2014 at India Islamic Cultural Center, New Delhi. It is divided in five sections: Understanding Materialism, Social Implications, Religio-Spiritual Debate, Economic Insights and Concluding Remarks. The book is a good reading, particularly to the younger generation.

This book is an urdu version of the previous book titled “Materialism: Boon or Bane”. This effort was done in order to make the thought reach to the wider audience. Other translations of the book may also be released soon.