Held on 6th May 2001, at
Constitution Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
On the occasion of its 11th Annual Function organized on 6th May 2001, in the beautifully decorated hall of Constitution Club, New Delhi, the Alhikmah Foundation organized a Seminar on ‘Healthy Minds for Healthy Society’.
The programme was presided over by Kunwar Akhilesh Singh, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), while Mr. Parvez Hashmi, Hon’ble Minister for Transport, Land and Building was the Chief Guest. The Technical Session was Presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Tahir Mehmood. Dr. Mohammed Khalid Siddiqui, Director, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi and Dr. S. Farooque were the Guests of Honor.
The Keynote address was presented by Dr. (Col.) P. K. Sethi, Senior Consultant & Chairman, (Department of Neurology) Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
On this occasion Mr. Parvez Hashmi while addressing the gathering expressed that Healthy Society is formed on the foundation of peace. This can be possible only on the proper bringing up of Children. Proper care of children is the need of the hour. It will give birth to cultured, educated and healthy society.
He also said that we can serve the society in a better way by making the children a good human being and a good citizen.
Dr. Mohammed Khalid Siddiqui said that for healthy society healthy mind is a must and this is why the World Health Organization has declared this year a Year of Mental Health. There is deep relationship between mental health and social values. Social conditions play an important role in shaping a healthy society and its individuals are its true masons.
On this occasion Dr. S. Farooqu, Director, International Hospital said that to have a happy and peaceful life we have to control unjust wishes. In this connection all the speakers appreciated the efforts made by Alhikmah Foundation and emphasised that to have a healthy society there must be proper coordination and balance between mind and thinking.
The programme was well attended by people from all walks of life
The proceedings of the seminar was largely covered by the electronic and print media.