Welcome to Alhikmah Foundation
"And he to whom" wisdom ( hikmah ) is granted receiveth indeed benefit overflowing."S.11.269
“ALHIKMAH” in Arabic means “The Wisdom”. Keeping in mind the multitude of meaning the world carries a cluster of like minded, well meaning and responsible citizens with an urge and desire to bring about positive social change formed a society in 1990 by the name of ALHIKMAH FOUNDATION. The foundation was registered in the year 1997 under Societies Registeration Act XXI of 1860. It is a Non-Political, Non- Governmental Organisation. In this short span of time Alhikmah has become a mass movement involving concerned citizens from all walks of life. The World Health Organization describes health as, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Alhikmah strives to achieve this complete physical, mental and social wellness for one and all. Alhikmah Foundation together with “YOU” is committed to work towards a society where every individual has access to his wholesome well being. For Alhikmah Foundation, serving the mankind irrespective of caste, creed, colour or religion, is an ineffable experience. In its crusade against social backwardness and apathy, Alhikmah Foundation has contributed its bit by establishing many Charitable Dispensaries, Poly clinics, libraries and relief centres for poor and destitute. Its sphere of activities also consists of collection and dissemination of useful information on socially relevant themes.

General Welfare
Alhikmah Foundation has been organizing seminars & conferences on the issues of social & educational importance. It also distributes Sewing Machines, Wheel chairs, blankets and scholarships etc to the needy sections of the society and also been providing them the required training to earn their livelihood.
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Welcome to Alhikmah Foundation A Registered Society for Promotion of Health, Education and General Welfare
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Chairman Speak
Dr.Ziauddin Ahmad
It is generally believed that nation building is the exclusive domain of the government with its vast resources and the mandate given to it by the public to do so. But the fact remains that nation building is a huge task and every citizen is a stake holder in this process who is supposed to contribute in whatever small way he can. His involvement is essential to the building of nation. However, to achieve that, peace and stability are a prerequisite which further require justice and equality.