The Foundation has so far provided more than two dozen Sewing Machines to the needy, poor and unemployed women to earn their livelihood and make themselves self reliant. The Foundation has also been providing them the required training in Cutting and Tailoring so that they can use such gifted Sewing Machines for income generating purpose and help the family to increase their income.
Under its rehabilitation programme the Foundation has been distributing Wheel Chairs to the orthopedically handicapped youths to make them able to rehabilitate themselves. The handicapped persons are also encouraged by the Alhikmah Foundation to sale usable items on their tri rickshaw and earn their livelihood themselves rather to depend on other persons.
The Foundation also helps the economically downtrodden families by providing them an opportunity in making the member of such families an income generating member by helping them to start as street vendor. For this purpose they are provided vegetable thelas and in some, other works so that they can earn their livelihood and help the family to survive.

The Alhikmah Foundation also helps the very poor families in the marriage of their daughters by contributing certain financial packages and providing sewing machines etc. which they can use in their future to earn something for their families.
For the past several years the Foundation has been organizing different types of Coaching Classes for preparing the students for different competitive examinations. More than fifty percent of the participants of such courses get admission in different professional courses and specially in B. Ed., Basic and ETE etc. in different universities and institutions. To motivate the successful students to do a better in their lives. The Foundation has been organizing felicitation programmes for such successful candidates. The Foundation has also been felicitating its volunteers, associates and persons having achieved a unique position in social and educational fields. The Foundation also felicitated Mr. Zuhair bin Saghir and Dr. Waseem-ur-Rehman who were selected in Civil Services Examinations.

The Foundation presents Awards to the persons who have contributed to the prosperity of humanity and society in the field of education and general welfare on different occasion.
The Foundation also presents Mementos to the dignitaries and Hon’ble Guests on the occasions of its different functions.